Анти-Тривожність 2.0
Anti-Anxiety course starts on April 11th. The course has 10 modules that will be live and pre-recorded. Live webinar are on zoom and will be…
Anti-Anxiety course starts on April 11th. The course has 10 modules that will be live and pre-recorded. Live webinar are on zoom and will be…
Anti-Anxiety course starts on April 11th. The course has 10 modules that will be live and pre-recorded. Live webinar are on zoom and will be…
Completely new and updated second season of YOU ARE LOVE program for women. 6 Weeks of Healing in the most advanced modalities of hypnotherapy, trauma…
Новий та повністю оновлений другий сезон програми «ТИ Є ЛЮБОВ» для жінок. 6 тижнів внутрішнього зцілення за допомогою найсучасніших методик: гіпнотерапії, зцілення травм, енергетичних практик…
6 Weeks of Healing in the most advanced modalities of hypnotherapy, trauma healing, energy work, NLP and mindfulness. Who are you as a women? As…